Just a ride thru

I really enjoyed my time at High Jolly but only stayed a few days.

I didn’t any more than pull in and some guy decided he would try to bully me because I was wearing a mask. Those of you that know me personally know how that went.

As much as I adore Bob Wells and what he is doing with HOWA my ride through the RTR WRTR venue was all I did, ride through and drop off my donation, maybe next time.

Now I am hoping to meet up with sister Laura for another spring adventure.

Heading into 2022

Since the last post, I made one trip to be with my sister and go to Ghost Ranch. I enjoyed it but did not take pictures or make posts, it felt surreal in this time of covid.
However, I am not getting any younger and if I am to do Quartzite and the RTR and WRTR this is going to be the year.
Heading out after the holidays and I am determined not to be intimidated by crowds. I am going to enjoy Quartzite and AZ and record it all here.